What is LSI?

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is supposed to be an algorithm
that the search engines use to evaluate your content through
related keywords. Now there seems to be some controversy
on this topic. Some of our big Gurus’ have tested this theory
and say that it does not do a thing for your page ranking or
your keyword ranking. I’m wondering, is there such an

Whether there is such an algorithm or not you still don’t want
to stuff your content with the same keyword and get penalized.
So you really do need related keyword.

If you type your content first in Microsoft word (like I do) before
placing it on your site, you will be able to get related keywords
by right clicking on the word and scroll down to Synonyms.
Example: right click the word “ Marketing “

As you can see it suggested "Advertising, Promotion, Selling, Market
More on : Seo Marketing

Google Advance Search Operators

Google Operators are very seldom used and are so
misunderstood. Let me first explain who and what
these Operators are.

Google Operators are restricted research. For example:

“Site: is a Google Operator that returns the information
on the URLs they have indexed for your website. To
access it, you type in the Google search box:
site:www.yoursiteurl.com (Searches only your site)

Not only do you get to see the approximate number of
URLs listed with Google, you get to view all your title
tags to see if there is any duplicate issues. This is a
very important factor for SEO Marketers.

Link:” is a Google Advanced Operator that returns
pages that are linked to your site. To access it, type in
the Google Search box:
Link:www.yoursiteurl.com (Linked pages)

"Info:" is a Google Advanced Operator that finds information
about your page.
· Show Google's cache of www.yoursiteurl.com
· Find web pages that are similar to http://www.yoursiteurl.com/
· Find web pages that link to www.yoursiteurl.com
· Find web pages from the site http://www.yoursiteurl.com/
Find web pages that contain the term

To access it, type in the Google Search Box:
Info:www.yoursiteurl.com (Info about your page)

"Related:" is a Google operator that finds site that are
related to your site.
To access it, type in Google Search Box:
Related:www.yoursiteurl.com (Related pages)

There are more Google Advance Search Operators out
there but I find these to be the ones used the most.

For more on: Learn SEO Marketing

The Simple Rules to Improve Pagerank

In order to Improve Pagerank you need to understand how it
works. Google wants to improve you pageranking and will
rank your pages for what ever you want, you just have to tell
them. But you have to conform to their system and use their
rules. Once you understand these rules, it really is not difficult
to reach top ranking that last.

All of Google users are searching for the answer to some question,
they are searching for truth. And what Google promises to show
them is everything that answers their questions and nothing that
doesn't. This is just result relevance, result precision and user
efficiency. These are the standards that Google uses to evaluate
results and improve their own algorithm. When you learn to
conform to what they want they reward you with higher ranking.
To do this, learn to work the system.

There is really just 3 simple parts:

Topic.. The interpretation of your pages (title, heading, and
body) The on page factors.
Reputation.. The use of link text to attach meaning to your
pages the links lead to. (Internal links )
Confirmation.. Links from other sites (backlinks) Without
backlinks even the best optimized website will find themselves
in trouble. The larger your website the less external links you
will need. But all sites will need some external links. Because
this is one of the techniques Google uses to combat low quality

All you have to learn is to routinely bring together these three
factors Topic, Reputation, Confirmation and you will find your-
self in the heart of Google and you will improve your pagerank.

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Splash Pages

Spash Pages are pages designed to draw attention to something. They are pages that have jump out flashy moving visual elements (called flash) that take a long time to load. The question is, do we need flash pages? Yes, sometime we do. The other question is, should we use flash pages? No, especially on your home page.

Why do we need them? It can be a great way to draw attention to an important message you don 't want your visitor to miss, such as a deadline, critical releases, or expiring downloads. So the splash page is good for attention.

Why should we not use them? Google does not like pointing its searchers to splash pages. It is not good SEO Marketing. Users hate splash pages, and can really get on the users' nerves. I know that is how I feel. They drive me crazy, although they do get my attention. Sometimes a splash page can be appealing, but most of the time - a splash page is interfering and just not user- friendly.

You must remember search engines love content not flash. If you are serious about ranking in the top ten, then it is most important you began increasing your SEO content. You can still have a flash page for your visitors, it will just probably not get indexed. This is really OK because it is for your visitor not the search engines. As a matter of fact I would suggest (if you are going to use flash) you add a rel="nofollow" to all links leading to your splash page. This is an attribute you can set on an HTML <a> link tag.

So ask yourself, should I use flash or should I not use flash?
That is the question.

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