Online Business Questions And Answers

Miscellaneous tips that are needed to maintain a site.

Please send us any question or additional answers you may have and we will be more than happy to post them. All posting is subject to approval.

Q. How do I check to see if my site has been indexed by Google.
Type in the Google search bar your domain name and click search.

Q. How do I check to see how many pages have been indexed by Google.
Type in the Google search bar your domain name with ( site: ) typed in front of it.
Ex... site:

Q. If my site has 10 pages and only my home page is indexed how do I get the other pages indexed.
Link the other pages to the home page. When the spider crawls

your home page it will also crawl the other pages.

Q. How do I know if anyone else has my my domain on their site.
A. Type in the Google search bar your domain name with quotation and click search.
Ex... ""

Q. How do I know if and when Googles' spider crawled my site.
Type in the Google search bar your domain name with (cache: ) typed in front of it.
Ex... cache:

Q. Where should I submit a press release.
There are free press release distributions but PRWeb is the best. It does have a free option but the paid options is the better choice. It starts at $80.00 and for that money you get into Google News and the other news aggregators. Well worth the price.

Q. Where should I start to build traffic for my site.
You can build free traffic by writting and submitting articles. is a good way to build free traffic.

Q. Are there any tools to help predict the customers intention.
is a tool that predict a customer's intension to buy, sell, or complete
another kind of transaction based on her search queries or recently
visited URLs.

Q. Can a website without any content in it get high PR or any page rank at all.
Yes a blank website without any content can get a high page rank. You only have to have banklinks of high ranking. PR is determined by backlinks, (not by what's written on your page)which is seen by google as a vote for your site. The more votes you have of higher PR you recieve. Although having good content is what brings visitors to your site not PR.

Q. Is there a free tool that will automatically detect where in the world visitors are coming from when they visit my site?
A. Yes.

Q. Will Google index my subdomain name.
A. Yes. Google and MSN will index subdomain names but Yahoo will not.

Q. How can I make a link open in a seperate window in blogger.
A. Use this code: <a href="" target="_blank">Name Of Link</a>

More on.... Seo Marketing ..... Free SEO Tools ..... Onpage/Offpage Optimization


Unknown said...

June, discovering this blog is one of the best things that's ever happened to me professionally. This is seriously good stuff.

Thank you again for being of such high-level service!
Nancy Laine

Seo Marketer said...

Thank you Nancy
I have a CD coming out called "Marketing Your Website Long-Term Traffic"
I will introduce it in my next class.
I hope to see you there..

Unknown said...

Great June, I'll look forward to hearing that! And BTW, thanks again for your amazing generosity...Doc told me all about it recently and I am VERY grateful!