Email Signature

We have talked about this before but I have been asked to talk
again about the importance of an email signature.

An email signature is usually your name, your company, your
phone number and your web site. This is great to share essential
contact information, but will it really create any action.The
purpose of a signature is to drive traffic to your business.

How about including a catchy hyperlink directed to your web site
that is so curious that everyone has to click on it. Or it could be a
hyperlink to an affiliate. (You could make some money) Your
email signature is a marketing strategy that has worked for
years. What a great way to advertise your business and cost
you nothing.

When you send an email and if it is something of real interest, that
person is going to forward it to a couple of friends and what goes
with it? Your signature! With a great catchy hyperlink in your
signature, they cannot resist clicking on it andthey also forwards it
to a couple of friend and they forward it to a couple of friends and
so on and so on.

So my message here is…yes put in that essential contact
information but put that catchy irresistible hyperlink that
is going to drive visitors to your web site or make you a few
dollars through an affiliate program. Either way this is a
benefit to you.

You will be very surprise how this little catchy hyperlink as part
of your signature can work in your favor. It’s easy, simple and no
cost to you. An email signature is a great viral marketing tool... Use it.
More on: SEO Marketing Latent Semantic Indexing


Wise Solutions said...

Helpful Information – Appreciate that!

SEO Pakistan said...

This is so helpful to understand the value of Email Signature.

stone cladding said...

thank you, will adapt those principles in our company marketing strategy.

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