Understanding And Thinking Like A Customer

There are three good reasons why your visitors do not buy your product.

Reason # 1...They don't Need It: Which really means they don't want it. Because you have not given them enough compelling reason to want it.

Reason # 2... They Don't Trust You: They don't believe you when you tell them the benefits of your products. You must give them believable information about your service/product. A money back guarantee. Provide testimony from satisfied customers. Having a contact for your customers to communicate with you will give you credibility. Do not be affraid to sign your name to the bottom of your webpage. People like to know who they are dealing with. Let people know they are ordering through a secure server on your site and that the information they give is kept confidential.

Reason # 3... They Have No Money: Most prospective customers avoid buying what you offer because they prefer to spend the money somewhere else. Change their priorities by making your product so needed that you will go to the top of their list. (Make them an offer they can't refuse.) Also on high ticket items give them a break down on the price to its lowest increment. Example: " And you can have this for less than 80 cents a day" ( for a product priced at $295.00 a year).

There is one more reason why people don't buy ... They are not in a hurry ... People tend to procrastinate even though they have decided to buy. Some will forget why they even wanted to buy or they will be distracted by other offers and forget all about you. Give them an urgency to buy now. If you offer a special discount price and/or a bonus for ordering before a certain deadline or "quantities are limited" could help avoid losing sales. If you do give them a deadline make sure you stick to it. They want to know your word is good.

Extra Tips: Understanding and Thinking Like A Customer
1. Your ad copy should list features and benefits. Example: If you are selling an air mattress that is lightweight, that is a feature. The fact that it is soft and comfortable to sleep on is a benefit.

2. Your headline should stand out with keywords to attract your target audience.

3. If they do not buy today give them a reason to bookmark your site and return later. The more times they visit your site the greater chance of a sale. The most effective way to keep them coming back is to give them a free subscription to your e-zine for a mini course.

4. Give people as many ordering option as possible. Credit card, Paypal, Checks, Money Orders, Electronic payment, Mule Train, Carrier Pigeon. Make it easy to get their order.

5. Make sure it is easy to navigate to and through the process of ordering. If your customer becomes confused or frustrated they will click away and never return.

6. All graphics on your site should relate to the theme. You want to "attract" your customer not "distract" them. You don't want your customer to lose site of why they are there.

7. Put a special reminder at the bottom of the page to "grab that free special while quanity last." This forces them to go back and read your ad copy in case they just read the top of your site and then scrolled to the bottom to see the end result. ( I know this happens I've done it myself.)

8. Have an opt-in form on the upper right hand side above the fold of the page. I know the gurus say the hotspot on your web page is the upper left but that is not true. The upper left
may work for some but the right hand side above the fold works for everyone.

9. When introducing a new product each site will have different experience. The more value the visitor sees you and your site the more valuable they will see the product.

10. Focus on everything from the perspective of a customer and help them get where they need to go. Understanding and Thinking Like A Customer can increase your sales and profits.

Getting visitors to your site is not the hard part. Getting them to take action is where the work comes in. However, it's not enough for just me giving you a few tips to focus on and it's not going to make you a big success but it WILL give you a really big jump start.

More On: SEO Marketing

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